A team of 6 potential trainers underwent the pilot training of the IRHR Curriculum for Grassroots Beneficiaries. This curriculum is a specially designed and lighter version of the full IRHR Curriculum created by APC. It is tailored towards the needs and requirements of the rural and peri-urban beneficiaries in India.
Niki Shah, Rajat Kumar, Rishi Jain and Pawas Suren of the DEF Research Team designed this curriculum.
The modules of the curriculum were created using the principles of Participatory Rural Assessment/Appraisal (PRA) and Participatory Learning & Action (PLA).
The intention of conducting a pilot training was to assess the quality, delivery and relevance of the curriculum content. This is the first step in the finalising the curriculum that would be delivered to the beneficiaries.

Click here to see Full Report of Report on Training of the Trainers (TOT) on IRHR (Internet Rights Human Rights) Curriculum for Grassroots Beneficiaries..

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