“The mainspring of the story is people will see what they want to see in one way or the other. And the crime rate has nothing to do with what they watch. The only way to bring down crime rate is to make sure that no perpetrator of such crime goes scot-free. “
The simplest definition of the word ‘freedom’ can be ‘you can do what you want provided it doesn’t harm anyone.’ The concept of freedom is rather subjective because where a person thinks he’s free to do what he likes, others might say he is overstepping the limit of his freedom and harming them, even if it doesn’t seem so. Just to give an example, someone files a case in court against the making of action films because he thinks these are spreading violence and teaching people new ways of killing. Apparently, someone watching an action movie in cinema or even in one’s bed room isn’t harmless freedom because it may lead to the gruesome act of murder. However, his argument wouldn’t sink in a rational mind and wouldn’t even stand a minute before the conservatives, let alone the liberals. Then one wonders why this common sense and rationality seemed absent when porn sites were banned in India, saying these stem rape crimes in the country.