Sudden spurt in cyber crime

After a brief lull, the cyber crime branch has once again registered a substantial rise in the number of cases since the beginning of the year. The special unit registered over 45 cases while it has received about 279 complaints since January 1. The year 2015 was relatively calmer with 117 FIRs registered under the…

‘Darkhotel’ fear stalks hospitality industry: 5-star hotels rope in cyber auditors to curb data theft

Four months ago, cyber criminals hacked into the computer network of a New Delhi-based international 5-star hotel chain and stole some ‘loyalty points.’ The criminals then used the loyalty points to book air tickets and hotel rooms and then advertised in a leading national daily, offering them to unsuspecting buyers at half the usual rates.…

Will push policies to strengthen cyber security: NITI Aayog

NITI Aayog member V.K. Saraswat on Monday said the think-tank of the central government will push policies for the indigenous manufacture of electronics and hardware to strengthen India’s cyber security. Saraswat, a former Defence Research and Development Organisation chief, stressed on the creation of indigenous technologies through ‘Make in India’ in electronics and hardware sector…

5 facts that explain cyber warfare

America has spent decades and trillions of dollars building up the greatest military force the world has ever seen. But the biggest threat to national security these days comes from not from aircraft carriers or infantry divisions, but a computer with a simple Internet connection. That much became clear after the catastrophic hack-most likely by…

CYBER CRIMES: A threat that must be countered

The cyber world might be at its peak today but it’s not necessary danger-free. There are thieves, robbers, killers, cheats, and thugs in this world. This is where cyber security comes into the picture. Cyber security means keeping the cyber world free from all sorts of incidents that hinder the free and fair use of…